
SELF-DEFENCE – Green to Red

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SELF-DEFENCE – Green to Red

Game Ideas

Stuck in the mud – Rules as before but instead of doing shield not to get tagged they can use their downward evasion.

Other games mentioned previously. 

Walking around listening for instructions – e.g. when I say number 1 put your left hand on the floor, number 2 put your right hand on the floor, number 3 do a pencil jump, number 4 strike a pose, number 5 change direction.

As the game goes on an do a combination of these. Whilst this is going on, shout for them to get into groups of a certain number e.g. into groups of 6 for example, then those in a group of less or more than 6 are out. Those that are left continue the game as before.

Again, into groups of a number, those not in that number are out. When there are two players left, they stand in the middle back to back. They take a step away from each other every time a word is said until the keyword (they are told what this keyword is going to be) is said (for example a word from the previous week’s topic). Upon hearing this word first to turn around and say ‘Splat’ wins. The game is known as ‘Splat’.