
NPT Virtual Youth Club Challenging Stereotypes

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Challenging Gender Stereotypes in the workplace  

Welcome to the NPT Virtual Youth Club Challenging Stereotypes tutorial. In today’s diverse workplaces, it’s crucial to create an environment where every individual feels valued and respected, irrespective of sex, gender, race, religion or other characteristic.

For example, people are often conditioned into thinking only men can perform certain jobs like engineering or mechanics and women are better suited to teaching or care professions. In a fair and equal world, anyone can perform any job if they are passionate about it and have the knowledge and skills to do so. This lesson on challenging stereotypes in the workplace aims to empower employees and employers to challenge preconceptions and biases that may exist and to treat everyone as equal human beings, there to do a job for which they are skilled and qualified. 

Here’s a quick look at what we’ll be covering: 

  • Video animation featuring:  
  • Are men and women treated differently in professions?  
  • How to overcome stereotypes and prejudice 
  • Why it’s all about your personal skills  
  • Challenging traditional roles and jobs  
  • Online multiple choice questionnaire 
  • Interactive game