Seven Steps to making Stuff Easy
1. Expert Tuition
All creators are experts in their specialised fields. From self defence coaches, yoga gurus & language teachers.
2. Resources
Get the knowledge and resources to succeed. All the resources you need to complete a course are shipped to you by the course creator.
3. Simplicity
All courses are taught using videos as their main channel of engagement. We only approve courses that use laymen’s terms and ensure all content is as user friendly and simple as it can be.
4. Modular Learning
All our courses function like building blocks, with a series of lessons fitting together to make each course.
5. Peer to Peer learning
Seek and share the knowledge gained with virtual classmates. A problem shared is a problem solved.
6. Milestone Recognition
Each small step is getting you closer to achieving your learning aim. The Tuborial platform recognises this by rewarding learners, with awards and certificates of achievement.
7. Learning on your terms
There is no rush to complete a Tuborial, study at your own rhythm and pace, study at distance from anywhere in the world.