Espresso what you need:
– Espresso machine
– 16-20g freshly Roasted Coffee beans (Fine espresso grind)
– Grinder
– Scale
– Espresso cup
– Turn on your espresso machine and keep the portafilter in the group head to warm
– Weigh and grind 16 – 20g of coffee for a double shot,
– Place coffee in the portafilter basket, dry with a cloth to remove any water drops
– Distribute the coffee equally by tapping the portafilter gently.
– Tamp the coffee into a puck to remove air pockets and create a think equal surface area
– Discard hot water from cup
– Place portafilter with basket into the group head and run a double through into the cup
– It should roughly be 50 ml/50g
– Smell, drink and enjoy